Problem Solving, Innovation and Communcations


There will be classes on Brightspace on the 25th of March and 1st of April in the module "Problem Solving Comms and Innov SPEC9160: 2019-20"

.General Information
Some good advice for your career as a student
How to use the powerpoint files
Cornell notes


I very much welcome feedback on the module, so please send me an e-mail whenever you like about the course, about anything at all, stuff you liked, stuff you didn't, things you'd like me to do in the coming weeks, or just a general chat. Just subject heading "Problem Solving feedback" to


Assessment page

Week 1
Introduction to the module
Week 2
CoRT Thinking Programme
cort thinking programme
Week 3
CoRT Thinking Programme

PESTLE Analysis
cort thinking programme

Week 4
George Pólya
George Polya
Week 5
Random word technqiue

How to think like Leonardo
Random Word Technique

How to think like Leonardo
Week 6
How to think like Leonardo
How to think like Leonardo

Mind maps
Week 7
Interruption in Service ;-)
T U Dublin Covid 19 news
Week 8
The Six Thinking Hats
The Six Thinking Hats
Week 9
In your Research
Creativity in your Research

Assignment two



Thinking Outside of the Box Problem solving anatomy

the wisdow of crowds triz

Organisational InnovationVery Short Stories