class ContactList(list): def search(self, name): "Return any search hits" matching_contacts = [ ] for contact in self: if name in matching_contacts.append(contact) # Endif; # Endfor; return matching_contacts # End Search # End Class class Contact(list): contacts_list = ContactList() def __init__(self, name, email): = name = email self.contacts_list.append(self) # End Init # End Class class Supplier(Contact): def order(self, order): print("The order will send our " "'{}' order to '{}'".format(order, # End order. # End Class class SupplierCheck(Supplier): def order(self, order, balance): if balance < 0: # THEN print("This customer is in debt.") else: super().order(order) # End order. # End Class s1 = Supplier("Joe Supplier", "") s2 = Supplier("John Supplier", "") s3 = SupplierCheck("Anne Supplier", "") s4 = SupplierCheck("Mary Supplier", "") s1.order("Bag of sweets") s2.order("Boiled eggs") s3.order("Coffee", 23) s4.order("Corn Flakes", -12)