SSADM - Stage O

Feasibility Module


Page Contents

0. Introduction

1. Step 010 Prepare for the Study

2. Step 020 Define the Problem

3. Step 030 Identify Feasibility Options

4. Step 040 Assemble Feasibility Report

5. Summary






As we can see in the figure above there are four steps in this stage, namely



Step 010 Prepare for the Feasibility Study

This step is broken into two major tasks:-

  • Review the Project Initiation Document (PID) and relevant background material. Assess the scope and complexity of the proposed IS.
  • Create a Context Diagram, current Level 1 DFD and Overview Logical Data Structure.
  • Identify the base requirements from the PID and enter them in the Requirements Catalogue. Report errors and inconsistencies in the PID.
  • Identify the stakeholders for the business areas concerned. Establish how they are involved and brief the User representatives.
  • Identify those areas to be investigated and define the methods to be used.
  • Agree the Feasibility Study scope with the project board.

Techniques used in Step 010 are:


Step 020 Define the Problem

Here we carry out more detailed investigation of the business and its information needs. Users of the system are defined, the new services wanted from the system and any problems associated with the current services and operations.


  • Identify the activities and information in the area of study that are necessary for the business unit to meet its objectives.
  • Draw a Level 1 DFD for the required environment. Amend the Overview LDS to include entities and accesses in the required environment.
  • Investigate the current environment. If necessary, expand DFD to Level 2.
  • Identify, with the Users help, those aspects of the current operations where improvement or change is required. Enter these in the Requirements Catalogue.
  • Define the Users of the new system in the User Catalogue.
  • Identify with the Users new features in the required system (i.e. new processes). Record these in the Requirements Catalogue.
  • Identify any non-functional requirements (i.e. service levels, response times, recovery and security). Record these in the Requirements Catalogue.
  • Prepare a Problem Definition Statement to summarize the requirements and assess priorities for the business objectives.
  • Agree the Problem Definition Statement with the Project Board.

Step 030 Select Feasibility Options

Here a set of options for solutions are developed to the problems identified and agreed. The options are presented to the Project Board, for the selection of one which will define the way forward. The selected option will define one or more projects to meet the requirements of the target business area.

The options combine both business option elements, to define the scope of the project and technical options, to describe the physical environment in which it will operate.

After the board makes its selection, development plans are produced, in outline for associated projects.

Tasks Description

  • Draw up a list of the minimum requirements for the new system, both functional and non-functional. All options must satisfy these basic requirements.
  • Define up to six Business System Options, which will satisfy a range of requirements, from the basic minimum to all listed.
  • Define a list of outline Technical Systems Options, to represent a full range of technical solutions. Each technical solution should satisfy the constraints and requirements of at least one Business System Option. In consultation with the Users, draw up a list of up to six composite Business and Technical Systems Options. Reduce these to a short list of about three.
  • Describe in prose, each short-listed option. This description can be supported by DFDs and an LDM. To illustrate the differences between them. They should be supported also by outline Cost/Benefit Analysis and Impact Analysis.
  • Identify the preferred option. Produce an outline development plan for each recommended project.
  • Present the short-listed options to the project board, and other User audiences.
  • Assist in the selection of the one chosen option, with explanation and clarification of the implications of each. Record any decisions made, with reasons.
  • Develop an Action Plan for each selected project(s). This should include a description of the technical approach, and outline development plans.


Techniques used in this step include:


Step 040 Assemble the Feasibility Report

In this step the Feasibility Report is published (after checking by Quality Control).

  • Check the completeness and consistency of the Feasibility Study Module by reviewing the products above. Amend the products as a result of reviews, if necessary or appropriate.
  • Assemble and publish the Feasibility Report Documents.

