Operating Systems 1 

Operating Systems 1 Assignment #1


Assignment #1
If you are in DT228/1 or DT282/1 please do
the above assignment
titled "Assignment #1"


Repeating Students Assignment #1
If you are in DT228/2 please do the above assignment
titled "Repeating Students Assignment #1"


FAQ Banner


Q. Where can I get information to help me with this assignment?

A. The main Operating Systems 1 page 
has lots of useful information.

Q. Do I have to print out my assignment in colour?

A. No,
black-and-white is fine.


Q. In the assignment you say "put all your answers in the accompanying Word document template." What template are you talking about?

A. The template is on the webpage, right under the assignment link, it's called "Template", please use it.

Q. Should we send you the part 1a 1b 1c and 3a seperate to the 2a part?

A. No, send them all together.

Q. Do you want the questions about the team and how we worked together to be done as a group, so that everyone will have the same answers or individually based on our own personal experiences working in the team?

A. I'd prefer you do it individually, and include your own reflections, but if you want to agree on the answers as a group, and even if the text is exactly the same in some (or all) of your answers, that's fine also.


Q. How should I reference the sources I used in the research for this assignment?

A. For Question 1, add the citations in at the end of Question 1. For Question 2 put it in the document at the end of Question 2, you can also add the relevant links into slides at the end of the presentation.

Q. Do I need to create a reference, if I use the HELP command in DOS, or the MAN command in Linux?

A. No, you just need to reference any books, research papers, news papers, or websites, you looked at.

Q. For the "Resources Used" section of the 2 page write up, do we just put in what we as individuals used for writing our own slides or do we put what every member of the group used for resources?

A. In the write-up for the assignment you can put in the ones you looked at, and put in all of the resources everyone looked at into the presentation.

Q. How do I reference my research correctly?

A. Guidelines below:

When referencing Research papers use;

Author (Year) “Paper Title”, Journal/Conference, Vol/No, pages.

for example,
Smith, J. (1999) “How to Reference Research”, Education Research, 5(87), pp. 123-145.

When referencing books use;
Author (Year) Book Title, Location:Publisher.

for example,
Holmes, B. (2003) How to do a PhD, London:Oxford University Press.

When referencing webpages use;
Author (Year of Creation) Web Page Title, URL, Date Accessed: Mnth YYYY.

for example,
Trochim, W. (2000) Research Methods Knowledge Base, http://trochim.human.cornell.edu/kb/, Date Accessed : March 2002.

If no year of creation on web-page, put in a dash, for example,
Microsoft, (-), Hotmail, www.hotmail.com., Date Accessed : March 2002.


Q. For the first question do I have to create the folder BackupFolder from the script or the folder exists before I execute the script?

A. Create the folder from the script.

Q. For the first question, I have to do a directory listing before and after I run the script. Of what directory, the one in which the script and the source folder are or of the BackupFolder?

A. Both, just do a recursive directory listing from the source folder.

Q. Can I use any distribution of Linux I want for Question 1(b)?

A. Definitely, pick any one you want (http://distrowatch.com/).


Q. What is your position on plagiarism?



Q. How does teamwork work?
